Spring is in the air. Even as I drove my daughter to preschool and delivered these festive Spring cookies mother nature was laughing it up, by delivering heavy snow flurries in the morning and blue skies by the afternoon...this weather is making me CRAZY! I refuse to withdraw my claim! SPRING IS HERE!!!!! With that said here are my spring madness cookies.
Side note...I love putting the cookies on sticks.

Hey Chics..... All foods served on a stick taste good! ....."of course cheep cheep!"
Aneley thought these were funny! Especially the one in the pink basket, they all look so surprised..."?how did I get here?.....cheep cheep?"
What's Easter with out the Easter Bunny....."hippiddy hop, hippidy hop...!"
I love the heart nose.
And of course the Easter Bunny would bring Easter Eggs!

Back to my chanting.....SPRING IS HERE, SPRING IS HERE!! The flowers are blooming.....dahdahdahdada!!!!!

More crazy chics breaking out of their shell. Did I mention how good these vanilla cookies tasted? I've been so focused on SPRING, and CRAZY CHICS, I forgot to sing about how good these cookies were....yes were. Aneley's preschool class gobbled them all up! Then Aneley, Amaya and me shared one on the way home for the eye doctors.....aaaaaaaawwwww YUM!!!
Soft, not chewy, Cookie that crumbles into your mouth zinging you with sparks of sweet vanilla, and warm buttery notes. After you take first bite you decide, "oh I'm gonna eat this whole cookie, and that's OKAY!!!" Anything that tastes this good has got to be good for me emotionally, physically, spiritually and any other kind of way!!
And for all of you out there reading this you too can have your own cookies, just email me at
yelenaj77@gmail.com. I'm working on the details to ship these pretty little things, you could be one of my trial run orders. Stay tuned for my next batch.