Thursday, September 6, 2012

Finding that place...

Hmmmm...Eating a Georgia Peach while listening to "Georgia on my mind" by Ray Charles. The simple pleasures of life!

I'm feeling inspired about the potential and hope for everyone to find this special place in their lives, so I've decided to share my thoughts. This place that I'm referring to is a place that if only for a moment, gives you that "pause" that we all need from our hectic days and lives.  The pause that allows you to reflect and be thankful for the many blessings that have been bestowed upon you, regardless of your situation.

Your "place" may be your visions and thoughts around the last family vacation, the time that you had alone while your kids were at summer camp or simply your hour of peace and quiet while watching your favorite TV show when the children took naps. I've learned that it's important to have that " go-to" place as it serves as a re-charging of the battery.

If you get a moment, ask yourself if you have that "place" on reserve to help you through those hectic or busy times.


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