Aneley's last day of preschool happened to also be her turn to bring snack for the class. So since we were inviting the whole class, we decided to make these cookie which accompanied invitations to Aneley's 4th Birthday Party. What better attention grabber then bright colored cookies. I picked the cutter and Aneley choose the icing colors.
I think these are the craziest colored cookies I have ever done. That's what happens when a 3 almost 4 year old is calling the shots. I love the little candles on each cookie that was my favorite part!
Aneley loved how they turned out! Except the part about not eating them until the friends at school got their invitations. Mommy baking cookies and cupcakes all the time and not getting to eat them all is very confusing!
Once the cookies were packaged, I attached them to the invites in the teal envelopes. This is how the invites and finished cookies looked. I thought this ribbon made them look like little presents.