This is CERRA!
I came across it totally by accident, but I'm truly blown away!
I think Cerra is a great place to find something extra for yourself.
We all work hard, we all want to be the best at what we do.
We all fail sometimes.
In the middle of a bad day wouldn't it be nice to have a place to regain your composure.
Wouldn't have your day go a little more smooth if you took 5 minutes for yourself?
So I found Cerra and this website is filled with all sorts of tools to help me live my essential life.

Their Mantra "be aware. act. reflect." is how I have learned to live my life.
It feels as thought this website was made for me!
It's just so organic in design!
Sorry for all of the exclamation but I'm excited folks!!!!
Cerra also features a concept called, "the seven intentions."
The first intention talks about, "the roots of your mood.
All human beings need to feel Grounded in a secure base in order to grow."
The second intention is creative energy which, "Once the mind becomes accustomed to producing creative energy, personal growth is abundant."
Say no more I'm blown away, this website is just the thing that us women need to help us further our journeys in life and become the people we dream of becoming.
The third intention my favorite is GRATITUDE!!
This is what Cerra says about Gratitude.
"Gratitude comes from the recognition of this abundance. Like a tree that flowers and fruits each year, Gratitude becomes the ritual of recognizing our contentment and finding value in all that surrounds us. From this deep satisfaction springs Loving Kindness. This is the sap of the tree and the lifeblood of our potential."
Now can you see why I'm so excited about Cerra!
Sorry I need more exclamations!!! Just for kicks go ahead and click on the highlighted Gratitude, or don't.
Let me just show you what you will find.
They offer you more thoughts about gratitude and recommendations for fragrance notes. For me scent is very powerful.
Scent connects me with some of my most powerful life moments.
So a fragrance recommendation to help me connect with more gratitude in my life just makes perfect sense.
Don't you think?
The other equally important intentions are Loving Kindness, Courage, Wisdom, and Inspiration.
Now don't you just feel the potential for personal growth growing inside you?
I do!
Cerra also offers guided "Moments" for those 5 minutes of quiet we're supposed to be setting aside for our selves each day.
The Cerra moments play music from your computer for you to meditate with or pray, or just sit quietly while you listen. The "Moments" are great for clearing your head.
I just can't tell you how excited I am about using
They even have products!!!
Which I'll have to talk more about later.
I can't wait to have a "7 intentions Party" with my MomSquad and use the "dissolving notes!"
More to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Right now, I have to just say thank you!!!
Finally there is a place for all of us to use as a neutral resource, for any of our personal needs as we learn about our selves and gain strength, visualize our dreams, and make it all a reality!
Have you heard of Cerra?
What will you use Cerra for in your daily life.
This was no a pain post. I received no compensation or product for this post an wrote simply out of my own excitement Can't you tell!!!!!!!!!!!!!