Thursday, October 27, 2011

Something NEW! Cerra!

 This is CERRA
I came across it totally by accident, but I'm truly blown away!

 I think Cerra is a great place to find something extra for yourself. 
We all work hard, we all want to be the best at what we do. 
We all fail sometimes.
In the middle of a bad day wouldn't it be nice to have a place to regain your composure. 
Wouldn't have your day go a little more smooth if you took 5 minutes for yourself? 

So I found Cerra and this website is filled with all sorts of tools to help me live my essential life. 
The life I visualize when your kids are crying, or late at night while I'm washing the dishes alone.

Their Mantra "be aware. act. reflect." is how I have learned to live my life. 
It feels as thought this website was made for me!
It's just so organic in design! 
Sorry for all of the exclamation but I'm excited folks!!!!

Cerra also features a concept called, "the seven intentions." 
The first intention talks about, "the roots of your mood. 
All human beings need to feel Grounded in a secure base in order to grow."

The second intention is creative energy which, "Once the mind becomes accustomed to producing creative energy, personal growth is

Say no more I'm blown away, this website is just the thing that us women need to help us further our journeys in life and become the people we dream of becoming. 

The third intention my favorite is GRATITUDE!! 
This is what Cerra says about Gratitude.

"Gratitude comes from the recognition of this abundance. Like a tree that flowers and fruits each year, Gratitude becomes the ritual of recognizing our contentment and finding value in all that surrounds us. From this deep satisfaction springs Loving Kindness. This is the sap of the tree and the lifeblood of our potential."

Now can you see why I'm so excited about Cerra! 
Sorry I need more exclamations!!!  Just for kicks go ahead and click on the highlighted Gratitude, or don't.
Let me just show you what you will find. 

They offer you more thoughts about gratitude and recommendations for fragrance notes. For me scent is very powerful. 
Scent connects me with some of my most powerful life moments. 
So a fragrance recommendation to help me connect with more gratitude in my life just makes perfect sense. 
Don't you think?
The other equally important intentions are Loving Kindness, Courage, Wisdom, and Inspiration. 
Now don't you just feel the potential for personal growth growing inside you?
I do!

Cerra also offers guided "Moments" for those 5 minutes of quiet we're supposed to be setting aside for our selves each day. 
The Cerra moments play music from your computer for you to meditate with or pray, or just sit quietly while you listen. The "Moments" are great for clearing your head.

I just can't tell you how excited I am about using 
They even have products!!! 
Which I'll have to talk more about later.  
I can't wait to have a "7 intentions Party" with my MomSquad and use the "dissolving notes!" 
More to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Right now, I have to just say thank you!!!
Finally there is a place for all of us to use as a neutral resource, for any of our personal needs as we learn about our selves and gain strength, visualize our dreams, and make it all a reality!

Have you heard of Cerra?

What will you use Cerra for in your daily life.

This was no a pain post. I received no compensation or product for this post an wrote simply out of my own excitement  Can't you tell!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Xia-Xia Party

Xia-Xia Pets Party

We gathered some of our friends and let our Xia-Xia crab loose! 
They scurried all around and made us scream and giggle. 
They're just so stinkin' cute.
We played with them all day.

 This what our little guests saw when they came over.
Everyone got to pick a crab they would like to play with.

This is Avery and her Mom checking out he Xia-Xia pets for the first time.

 Our friends were so tickled by the crabs.
They loved watching the crabs in their little houses. Amaya acted out the most elaborate story lines including sending her Xia-Xia pet to "jail", only to be rescued by the Xia-Xia pet's sister. 
Amaya has quite the imagination

Then we took an intermission for lunch.

We had lots of yummy things for lunch.
Sandwiches and fruit.

The kids really enjoyed them selves and they haven't tired of playing with their new crabby buddies!
I hope the Xia-Xia Pets come out with even more cute crabs and play Sets!
  Now what will I get them for Christmas that's going to top this?!!!

Would YOU like to win your own Xia-Xia Pets?

Here's how you can enter to win everything in the picture. 
Including 2 Crabs, named Trinidad, and Tobago and two trading shells.
To Enter to WIN
1. Comment on this post! Tell me what are you getting your little ones for Christmas?
2. Subscribe to Mommy Gratitude 

For additional ways of earning more entries do one of the following:

3. Follow @Mommygratitude1 on Twitter.
4. "Like" Mommy Gratitude on Facebook.
5. Comment on another of my posts?

Good Luck Everyone!!


I have not received any monetary compensation to write this post.  My only compensation was made in product. 
All opinions are my own.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Writing this blog is so much fun for me. I get to share my thoughts and hear all of your feedback. I just love it when you guys teach me new things or remind me of really smart ideas. A few months back I saw the movie "The Help," and I really enjoyed it despite some of the negative feedback I heard from other people. 
I was reminded of one of the most touching parts from that movie by Kristi B. She left me this comment in response to my post about morning routines.

Anonymous Kristi B. said...


I work hard the night before to help make our mornings run smoothly. Making my husband's lunch, coffee, packing bags, etc. help me stay sane the next day. The mornings are pretty simple and most go smoothly, although I find myself rushing us out the door more than I wish I did. I don't want my children starting their day feeling rushed, but sometimes it is so difficult to get those little feet moving. Nonetheless, a day that begins well often ends well, so I have started to begin each day with the following: Each morning when my two oldest children wake up, the first thing they must say is, "I am smart, I am beautiful, I am kind." It immedidately puts a smile on their faces and I even repeat it to my littlest one, who doesn't yet know the meaning of the words. I want my children to keep these things in mind as they travel through their day and never want those fundamentals to get lost in the "rush" of life!
Thank you Kristi B. for reminding me that we can teach our children their personal value. These kinds of lessons can happen any moment of the day. 
Even first thing on a busy morning. 
Good Night All!

Friday, October 21, 2011

What is Your Total SUM and Korean Tacos??

I've been following a classmate of mine from culinary school. He is a great example of how you can add...

All of your Life Experience (good and bad) + Your Passion = Your SUM Total (Dreams into Reality).

Roy Choi is officially a celebrity chef, though I'm sure he would cringe hearing that out loud.
He is the owner and creator of Kogi BBQ home of the world's first Korean Taco. 

The very idea of a Korean Taco is a metaphor for Roy's life experience. In his interview with Carson Daly he talks about the high expectations his Korean parents had for him, and being bathed in the Latino culture of his East LA neighborhood. That all may sound sexy right now, but I'm sure it wasn't when he was growing up.  From my own conversations with Roy it wasn't easy dropping out of Law School to go to Culinary School either.

So he took all of those good and bad moments in life and combined them with his passion. He actually turned those good and bad moments INTO his passion. He's almost a magician.

What seems key and almost formulaic about Roy's story is this.

He made his passion into reality by figuring out who he was at an Essential Level.

He is passionate about his family, his culture and food.

It translates to the way he treats his "Kogi Family."

 His integrity as a Chef, going the extra mile to over deliver. 

Holding himself to a higher standard, and delivering the best product he can offer.

His love for both of his cultures Korean and Latino. The Proof is in his results.

He really is an inspiration, and his store really inspires me and reminds me to embrace my total SUM.

You can watch his interview here with Carson Daly here. He does a better job of telling his story so check him out. And if your ever in LA hunt down one of his 4 Kogi Korean BBQ trucks!  

I hear he's got a new menu item a K-Oki Dog. Yeah its a Korean HOT DOG!!! AWESOME!!

What's your life about? + What is your Passion? = What is your SUM total.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Little Organization, A little Sanity

I like Coupons.  I LOVE Coupons!
I like saving money! Who doesn't?
I am not an extreme coupon-er. 
I've seen the show I don't think its real.

.....Sorry, I've tried to figure out how these great deals are possible.
 I think it's a conspiracy to get you to buy a lot of junk that's not good for you, and you don't need. If something is on sale and you don't need it, does it matter that you only paid 30 cents for it. YES! Because that's 30 cent less you will have.
That's NOT a deal!

I get a lot of my coupons from complaining.
I have opinions.
I share my opinions.
They send me coupons to shut me up. Fair trade. I'll tell you more about this another time.

But I do like to use my coupons and save money!!
I save on average at least $18.00-$20.00 dollars off every trip.
I don't buy things I don't need, and I don't buy a lot of junk.

But managing all those coupons, that's a royal pain in the butt! Seriously it's a struggle to keep up. I use a lot of online resources which tell me what's in the the pile of coupon papers I have. 
But sometimes I like to hit the stores and use coupons on marked down items. 
You know, instant gratification!
So for that to work, I like all my coupons clipped and in the book. 
Which is what I've devoted this Sunday to doing.

Along with help from POST-IT Brand!! Post-It is a favorite of mine! 
It's one of those touchy feelly things that I can't get enough of. 
First off I'm a little anal, I like thy things neat and organized. 
Secondly I'm a little OCD (obsessive compulsive (maybe) disorder). Smile. 
I like pretty pens, and cute little squares of sticky paper. I like sweet little round stickers that you tag your yard sale junk with. I LOVE tabbing, and labeling. Adding a label or a tab to anything is JOY! I like notepads and journals. I like portable note tabs with matching pens, which Post-It makes. Squeel!
I like Label Rolls of sticky paper. Honestly  there isn't anything Psot-It makes that I don't LOVE, and kind of OBSESS about. 
My kind of people get what I'm saying. 

So with the help of Post-It I turned this .......


I even added a little pocket to hold my scissors, pen and calculator.

 And just look at all my Tabbing action!!
I love the colors, they're like Skittles!
 My kind of candy!

So now my coupon book is organized least until next sunday!!

Are you coupon crazy?
How do you organize your coupons?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Crazy Mornings and a GIVEAWAY!!

My house is crazy in the morning.
How about you? 
It just seems no matter how much planning we do, mornings are still rushed.
Once the girls are dressed I make them breakfast. I'd love to make them omlettes and lovely french toast or big fluffy pancakes but that's not happening! No time for that!
 Really we have, no time for anything.

They are made by one of my favorite places Jamba Juice.
I my past life as a city girl, my favorite splurge was a Jamba Juice Smoothie.

I found these Jamba Juice smoothies in my grocery store freezer isle.
You just empty the bag into your blender and juice. Each bag makes 2 - 8oz smoothies.
You can see the huge chunks of mangoes, peaches and strawberries in the Caribbean Passion.
The other flavors are Strawberry Wild, Razzmatazz, and Mango-a-go-go,
It tastes just like the Jamba Juice Smoothies I used to love!

 The girls have no complaints either.

They sip it right up and then we're out the door.

Easy Breezy!

70 Calories per serving what's not to love?

What a great start to our day!

Now YOU can try it too!!

Enter for a chance to WIN!

Free Jamba Juice Smoothie!!

Here is how you can enter for a chance to WIN.

 Please leave me a comment for every entry telling me what you did.
Also please leave your email address so you can properly claim your prize!!

1. Leave a comment telling me what your morning routine is like.
2. Enter your email address and subscribe to Mommy Gratitude.
3. Tweet a message to me on Twitter, just say YO!!
4. "Like" me on Facebook
5. Tell a friend to do one or all of these things.

Good LUCK!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011


The Girls and I love going on adventures. I like to call them "missions." We get up early and get ready to head out the door. Before we leave I make an announcement:

"Okay girls we're going on a mission today, we have things to accomplish and we will have a great reward at the end of it all. So I tell them all of the errands we have to run, I assure them we will eat, and will have snacks during our day but we have to accomplish our mission in order to have our special surprise.
Then I drop the bomb!
"Our special surprise is....... we are going to see MAX and RUBY LIVE!!"
We have been fans of Max and Ruby forever!
The girls love their adventures, but where are their parents?

When we go on a mission I have 2 Rules.
I learned this from my Dad. He is a navy guy, a submariner.
He took us on missions all the time!

Okay, so 2 rules.......

That's a big one at our house.
It always seems someone is unhappy or disappointed. So that's a rule, NO complaining.
Complaints have no purpose and only distract us from the mission!  Plus, why waste my energy giving complaints any attention.  Especially since complaining is usually accompanied by a whinny voice.
Hate whining! You get no attention for whining! You will hear me say this many times more. Whining is the sound weakness makes as it leaves the body. Pay it no mind!

Questions are fine, but kids have a hard time staying focused. Totally understandable given their development. But as a Mom it's my job to teach my children how to find focus, and challenge them to practice staying focused. YES attention can be taught, and practiced and improved upon.

These types of outings are a great way to help children practice staying on task, and paying attention. Treating the outing like an official "mission," makes my children feel included in all that I'm trying to do for our family. So they understand grocery shopping is so we all have food to eat, etc.
Any complaint, or argument is quickly resolved by asking, "will that help our mission?"
The answer is always no. Then I sweetly remind them of our mission, and compliment them on helping the mission.
*Keep in mind, hungry kids will struggle with missions, so I bring snacks and make sure they've eaten.

Well Mission Accomplished!!! So we're headed to our Special Surprise!

So here is a spoiler with a few inside peeks of the 
Max and Ruby played dress up.

Had a surprise party!

A few uninvited friends showed up, "Can't Sit Up Slug," "Jellyball Spitter Spider" 
and "Ear Splitter Space Cadet."

You try and guess who the Surprise Party was for!!

Check out the show Here.

The girls had a blast! You should have heard the chatter all the way home.
Mission Accomplished!!!!!!!

Do you have a strategy for running errands with your kids?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Exciting News!! Xia-Xia Pets

Xia-Xia Pets !!

The girls and I have fast fallen in love with these little crab cuties!
We were lucky enough to be chosen by Cepia Toys and MomSelect to host a Xia-Xia Party!!!!
Yesterday the Xia-Xia Pets arrived and my house is a buzz!!
Yeah! My girls are so excited and so am I!
These cute little crabs are BRAND NEW and available at Walmart and ToysRus.
We are already having so much fun playing with them.
They scurry around crawl make my girls just crack up chasing them!
We can't wait to share the fun with our friends!!!
Wait till you see all the fun were going to have at our party!
Pictures coming soon!!!
Check out the Xia-Xia pets @

Can't wait!
Thank you Cepia Toys and MomSelect!!! 

Monday, October 10, 2011


So many of YOU fabulous readers have taken a moment and thanked me for my post
Well I want to turn right around and thank you right back.
I'm just here pouring my guts out because my writing lets me get things off my chest and see them for the first time with clarity. 
Your comments are an added bonus, because of you I know I must not be crazy! Because of your comments we now have a platform to delve deeper into the thought at hand.

 Sarah said...

see, I have the same problem. For the first time in 7 years, i don't have an infant to care for. Sure my youngest is only 2 and I homeschool, so I have a lot to do, but I want something just for ME. my hard part is the organized home. I cannot get a handle on it. I am trying to find a way. I have tried several online cleaning lists, but they don't seem to fit my needs. But I am working on it. Thanks for being so inspiring.

October 6, 2011 9:41 AM

Thank you Sarah for writing this. Seriously who has or will ever have home organization together. If someone says "I do" I totally don't believe them. I have a few tips, and I do mean "a few." I'll share them here soon. Let me know what you come up with! Honestly if you're a Mom who works everyday you've probably already accepted that you're home won't be perfect sometimes if at all. If you're a stay at home Mom like me you've imagined there is some higher expectation on you. The laundry has to be washed, folded and put away. The kids have to be fed, bathed, read to, played with, shuttled, nursed, and then you still have to make time to be the MILF of a wife every husband must dream about. Well why the hell do we hold ourselves to such high standards? Standards that we actually meet on a good day, then cry about on a bad day. I for one am trying to let myself off the hook more often. I hope you will too. :)

 Kty said... 

"I think so many of us feel a lot of what you're saying. I think it is so true that it is easier to care and worry about the others in our life and then say what about me? No mother, wife, friend, wants to come off being selfish. And, if we were to, oh boy. Either our husbands look stunned at this new profound confidence, our kids stomping their feet in desperation for more of your attention, or your friends showing annoyance and disbelief that you might come off mean; but in reality they are secretly disappointed with themselves for not being more selfish.

I, myself, am trying to remind myself, it is a process. It may be slow at times and definitely overwhelming. Where it's easy to be pulled back to others and use them as the excuse not to focus on "you" and face your own needs and fears. 

But, reading your blog entry, reminds us that it is essential to our core to satisfy those needs and face those fears, stick to your dreams, and just make the mistakes that will make us better women, mothers, wives, and friends. I'd rather hear another's mistakes because it tells a lot about a person. 
My problem is that I never had a clear vision of my dreams, until lately. I'm not saying it's clear and all in tact but it feels good as I work towards a goal. I'm scared, lack the confidence that I once had, but I know something good will come out of it. Failure (I hope not) or success. Either way, i'm doing it, learning, and reading your blog as I go. 
Thanks for sharing. I know I'm not alone."
October 6, 2011 10:56 AM

Thank you for this Katy! I had to highlight this part you wrote because really, I so did not say exactly that. Thank you for adding an even more powerful layer of clarity to what I did say. Your statement was really powerful and even more inspiring to me to stay the course. It is our essence as human beings regardless of gender to evolve. It is because we are women, that we are so in tuned with our essential selves. Possessing that which makes us unique also makes us Goddesses, being of the quality to be "god like." We rarely speak of men as gods unless we are talking about physical power. But God is not a physical manifestation. God is very much an energetic manifestation one which we are completely tied into. Goddesses we exist aplenty. We just need to visualize our dreams, precisely what you said!!!! Our vibrations mold and shape our world. 

Kty also said...

"Was that too long? I think I was thinking too much about myself. Sorry. Woops did it again. Saying sorry for my actions. Gotta stop doing that. :)"

October 6, 2011 10:57 AM
I'm gonna do what you did. LOL, what I said above, was I too blunt? Did I come on too strong? NO! Like my Dad always says, "be the blade or be the block."  "If you know, then know that you know."  NO apologies needed. You F***Ken Rock Katy! There I said it! Did I have to say that? ;)

Jenny said...

"OMG!!! I love your post...I show love the same way - always putting the people I love and care about first. There is TOTALLY nothing wrong with that, but your glass needs to be refilled as well. I read that in a book (i might still have it -If I find it, I will share with you). But, if you're not filled with love and happiness, then how are you to give it? Good for you!!!! Take care of number one and all else will fall into place."

Won't you please leave me one? Say Anything!


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