Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Host your own 7 Intentions Party! Inspire your Friends!

Cerra 7 Intentions Party!

Here is a quick video Tutorial explaining how I used a few Cerra's products
to host my own 7 Intentions Party.  has lots of great tools to help you host your own 7 Intentions Party. 

There are "Moments" which will guide you through a short meditation session with beautiful relaxing music and a soothing voice guiding you and helping you focus. 

You can gather a few coworkers and meditate on your lunch break.

You can incoroporate the many Cerra products into a gathering with friends and family.

Pick a theme from the Cerra 7 Intentions.

Creative Energy
Loving Kindness

Then pick a few products to share at you party.
Cerra has beautiful Journals, Candle Sets, Teas, Body Wash, Lotion, Sensory Oils and lots more.

You could have a Wisdom Tea Party

Sip tea and share stories of personal Wisdom and Strength.

Inspire your friends to trust their inner wisdom.

Serve menu items that incorporate any of the Wisdom fragrance notes.

A savory Sage Chicken Satay, or beautiful Lemon and Lavender Pound Cake.

Really the options are limitless. 
Cerra has 7 Intentions to choose from as well as lots of great products to incorporate.

So gather your friends, talk, laugh, and INSPIRE each other along this journey called life!

I received no monetary compensation for this post, I did receive product. 
Please excuse all the links, I just wanted to help you better navigate the Cerra Website.

Inspiration in the Tacos???

I've been following a classmate of mine from culinary school.
His story is a great Inspiration to me.

He is a great example of how you can add...

All of your Life Experience (good and bad) + Your Passion = Your SUM Total (Dreams into Reality).

Roy Choi is officially a celebrity chef, though I'm sure he would cringe hearing that out loud.
He is the owner and creator of Kogi BBQ home of the world's first Korean Taco. 

The very idea of a Korean Taco is a metaphor for Roy's life experience. In his interview with Carson Daly he talks about the high expectations his Korean parents had for him, and being bathed in the Latino culture of his East LA neighborhood. That all may sound sexy right now, but I'm sure it wasn't when he was growing up.  From my own conversations with Roy it wasn't easy dropping out of Law School to go to Culinary School either.

So he took all of those good and bad moments in life and combined them with his passion. He actually turned those good and bad moments INTO his passion. He's almost a magician.

What seems key and almost formulaic about Roy's story is this.

He made his passion into reality by figuring out who he was at an Essential Level.

He is passionate about his family, his culture and food.

It translates to the way he treats his "Kogi Family."

 His integrity as a Chef, going the extra mile to over deliver. 

Holding himself to a higher standard, and delivering the best product he can offer.

His love for both of his cultures Korean and Latino. The Proof is in his results.

He really is an inspiration, and his store really inspires me and reminds me to embrace my total SUM.

You can watch his interview here with Carson Daly here. He does a better job of telling his story so check him out. And if your ever in LA hunt down one of his 4 Kogi Korean BBQ trucks!  

I hear he's got a new menu item a K-Oki Dog. Yeah its a Korean HOT DOG!!! AWESOME!!

What's your life about? + What is your Passion? = What is your SUM total.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Great Reads on Loving Kindness

Great Reads on Loving Kindness

"The Wisdom of No Escape: And the Path of Loving Kindness", 
Author Pema Chodron talks about Loving Kindness. 
If we can only accept ourselves the way we are
 and just be more curious about our own behaviors 
we will be able to understand others. 
Being curious about ourselves requires gentleness in our judgments and criticisms of ourselves.
 Being curious about our own behaviors requires openness about who we are. 
This form of Loving Kindness will cultivate our ability to show Loving Kindness for others.
Pema Chodron's book is an easy read. With lots of really easily understood insights.

Author B. Alan Wallace has studied for many years with the Dali Lama.
In "The Attention Revolution" Alan Wallace hopes to "provide tools for anyone who is interested in training their capacity for attention to it's fullest." I think this is so important because one of the main tools for holding your your self on an Intention, or opening your mind to new possibilities requires you to pay attention. 
If you struggle with holding your own attention for any reason this books offers real tools, and holds the belief that cultivating attention is truly possible. 
A little more challenging read, requiring a patient study. 
Basically you'll need small amounts of focused attention to read this book. :)
But there is great information with detailed explanations of techniques to try.

This is less of a reference, and more of a great read about real people. 
In particular, author Katherine Ellison.
"BUZZ, A Year of Paying Attention" is the authors journalistic account 
of her journey searching for "genuine relief," 
for both her 12 year old son and her self 
from their shared diagnosis of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
In this witty, attention grabbing read the author paints for us a glimpse of how to "rekindle attention in an age of distraction."
I love this book for two reasons. 
1.This is a story about a real woman accepting her life in the moment and trying to gain understanding.
2. This is a story about Loving Kindness in practice. 

There are lots of other great books about Loving Kindness. 
These are just a few I came across.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Loving Kindness Music Picks

I'm sharing today.
Secret (not a secret) fact about me!
I LOVE music. 
All kinds of music. I grew up playing my Dad's records on the record player. 
From 45s to LPs when I was 5 or 6 years old to MP3 and ITunes downloads today. 
I have a passion for music and the emotions it evokes. 

I love dance music, trust me they don't make dance music the way they used to. 
It's all too slow, or too sharp, and definitely not funky enough. 
I'm not a raver jumping around, I'm wanna DANCE. 
My Dad knows what I'm talking about.
Dance like I'm Michael Jackson, off camera.
 I would totally impress you. 
At least that's how the music makes me feel.

Other days I like to feel the beat thump harder then my heartbeat. 
I'm a fiend for the base.
I like to wear dark lipstick and drive in my SUV, in the cold with my windows down. 
I pretend I've got ridiculous swag and a serious bad attitude.
I do have a little swag already, and my attitude isn't perfect all the time.
But I mean, serious SWAG!
Really, really, BAD attitude!

Then there are my sweet romantic days, when I want to feel delicate, and sweet. 
I let the music warm me and comfort me.

When I listen to music I see colors.
Hip Hop is powder blues, deep purples, and red.
Soul Music is warm coffee colors, pale orange, and gold.
Pop music is pink, purple and lime and black.
Latin music is orange, and yellow, and blue.
I've got lots of colors swirling in my head when I listen to all types of music.
Music does all of this for me. 

So I put together a short list of my Loving Kindness Musical Inspirations.
Just a few songs I thought fit the mood.
Download them and give them to someone you like, or give them to someone you don't like. 
This mix will stir some good out of anyone.
Happy Valentines Day, enjoy!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Loving Kindness Color Inspiration

I'm a visual person. 
I'm sure I've said this before. 
I take a lot from images, and textures and color.
Color is HUGE for me.
I believe emotions can be felt in color. 
In the same way, color can remind you of your Intentions.
Here are a few colors for Loving Kindness.

Violet Colors
Relaxing Lavender, Patient, Understanding

Melon Colors
 Cantelope, Honeydew, Watermelon
Sweet , Accepting, Embracing 

Cinnamon Colors
Friendly, Caring, Comforting 

Add these colors to you Valentines Day ensemble. 
Mixed in your Cloths, finger nails, lipstick, neck tie, or belt. 
Choose a Valentines Gift or Floral bouquet in these colors. 
These are the colors of Loving Kindness and they can help you create sweet, warm, loving memories.

For more suggestions on ways of adding the colors of Loving Kindness check out my Pinterest board HERE!

How will you mix these colors into your life?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Plan your Valentines Menu w/ Loving Kindness

When your planning your Valentines consider a Loving Kindness menu.
Loving Kindness can be cultivated by using natural ingredients we find in our homes.
 Let the spirit of Loving Kindness connect you.
Loving Kindness can be sweet like tender Melon.
Make your self a taste of Loving Kindness.

Melon Rumbella

Loving Kindness for others can be sensitive, comforting, regard for their feelings. 
Comforting like Chocolate Lavender Pie,

or Refreshing like Lavender Lemonade.

Loving Kindness can be warm and inviting like a big pot of Cinnamon Chicken.

Loving Kindness can be experienced in so many different ways.

For more Valentines Day Menu Ideas focused on Loving Kindness 
and the recipes for these goodies 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Cultivating Loving Kindness

Loving Kindness

"Everyone can flower from within. 
With loving-kindness, it is possible to uncover the knowledge of our own inner 
beauty and that of others."

 Here are some methods for cultivating Loving-Kindness:

 Consider others the same as you.

 Let go of negative thoughts and refocus your attention on your breath. 

 Take note of the kindness of others and give gratitude.

 Contemplate on the positive qualities of self and others.

 Repay the kindness of others 

 Practice loving-kindness meditation.
I'll go more into meditation later this week.

If you would like to learn easy Loving Kindness massage techniques check this out!
Here is a link to's Moments

For more on this subject check out this article.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Loving Kindness

Today I started my Intensive study of Loving Kindness. 
My hope is to gain a better understanding of the principles of Loving Kindness, so that I may apply them to my own life in a way that would be most beneficial to me. 
Plus, I'm a bit of a nerd and I love to learn through practice.

So to get a little deeper understanding I read about many different ideas about Loving Kindness.
Every different religion has something to say about it. 
Loving Kindness is showing compassion.
Recognizing other people's sensitivities.
Showing understanding.

Giving focused positive attention.

Loving Kindness can help you let go of annoyance, anger, and mistrust.

Loving Kindness is the perfect subject to focus on as we head into Valentines Day. 

Try and think not just of those who you love but also think of those you dislike or feel angry with.

Why carry such heavy emotions as hate, fear or anger in your heart?
They are very heavy burdens to hold. 
They take up a great deal of emotional space in your life. 
If you are looking to expand your life and bring something new in, letting go of negative emotions can free up some space for the positive, high energy things you want.

Embracing any aspect of Loving Kindness is a great way to release those negative feelings.

Over the next few days I would like to offer you ways of embracing Loving Kindness, and holding this positive thought as your personal intention.

Here are a few links if you would like to read more about Loving Kindness.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It's Tuesday. Friday Can't Come Soon Enough.

What makes a week long. 
Boredom, Impatience, Exhaustion?
Maybe it's the seasons but this time of year always seems to drag.
 It's cold but there's no snow this year. 
Snow at least brings a certain amount of excitement.
But it's just cold and dull. 
This year more than ever before, I am longing for the sun!

But since that's months away I came up with a few things to help me 

Fuel my February

After all,  great things do happen in the winter.

Warm Salads

Warm Colors

Chunky Knits

Warm Kitchens

There's always something to feel grateful for.
Happy Tuesday!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Where do you find Courage?

The state or quality of mind or spirit,
quality of dealing with or facing
difficulty, danger, pain.  
Quality of dealing with or facing
without fear,

I'm finding courage in knowing who I am and trusting my own instincts.

Where do you find Courage?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I Love New Music and Gratitude

 In the spirit of Gratitude 
I would like to say Thank You

 to Genoa Boswell 
 who pinned my new favorite artist Kimbra .


I saw the pin on Pinterest on Genoa's  "Musical Menagerie" board.
I don't know Genoa but I just wanted to say Thank You because great music is hard to find!
You can check Kimbra out here.

Share your Gratitude.
Who can you send some extra thanks to today?


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