For the last few months I've been focused on sharing the
7 Intentions.
I find them in everything I do, and I've been putting a lot of my time and energy into finding creative ways to share them with you.
But that's not the only thing I've been up to.
Crazy Right!
I have been plugging away at my cupcake business.
I had a business partner, but she quit, so now I'm doing it alone. Again.
Letting go of one thing makes room for lots of other things.
Here are a few of the flavors I've made.
Peanut Butter Cookie has peanut butter cookie inside a chocolate cake and a crunchy peanut butter cookie on top with peanut butter, butter cream.
The Funny Bone Cupcake has peanut butter, butter cream inside chocolate cake with chocolate ganache on top and peanut butter, butter cream to garnish.
This was my adventure in piping land for a local children boutique's
Milk and Honey Kids Communion event.
The challenge was to decorate 100 Vanilla cupcakes in as many different ways as possible.
When I'm not blogging or making cupcakes; I'm cleaning, making meals and clinging to my sanity.
The little people at my house are extremely talented and creative.
They make beautiful messes!
When I finish cleaning up my "3 Children Zone," and get dinner in the crock pot, lunch on the table and the baby down for a nap, I'm right back at it.
Messy hair, bath robe and all!
I'll admit, it's not all child's play, hard work and slaving in front of a hot oven or a glaring computer screen
I have managed to pull myself together and hit the town with some of my other hot mama friends!
More than once.
Creative Energy
Then one day, the girls and I were talking and they asked if they could have their own blog.
Well why not!
So I set them up and we have had loads of fun blogging together.
They pick their topics and I assist.
I can't think of a more creative and fun thing we've done together.
They are learning so much and feeling so confident with the computer.
It's so refreshing to spend time with them in "my world" but from their perspective.
They're such an inspiration.
Which brings me to my next thought.
After a lot of thinking I decide to begin writing a business plan for the business of my dreams.
A Cupcake Cafe Play Space and Kitchen Incubator.
I've been doing a lot of number crunching which isn't all that much fun.

I love this floor plan for seating, tables and couches.

The look of this counter for food.

This counter for the cupcakes, and I love the floors.
This roadway and turf for the play space.
Can you see the little picnic tables on the right side?
Love it!.
I hope I can pull a business proposal together that I like within the next few months.
I have 3 proposals done so far and I'm not sure about any of them.
There is so much to be grateful for!
Wish me the clarity to see through all of this.
So that's what I've been up to.
How about you?