Thursday, March 22, 2012

Yearbook Nostalgia & Shutterfly

Alright so today is a share day.

Do you ever pull out an old year book and just marvel at the old pictures chocked full of nostalgia?

That's me top center.Yes, I was in the Gardening Club, and I loved it!

I love my yearbooks. It's like visiting a warm memory when ever I like. 
It's also an easy laugh when I need it.
The only thing I don't like about my yearbook is the quality of the picture.
But  the folks at Shutterfly now offer Shutterfly Yearbooks.

Shutterfly Yearbooks are the easiest and most affordable way to preserve school memories for your child and your school, helping parents of a single student, class or an entire school, easily create specially designed page templates for school activities, subjects, and student classroom and faculty photos. 

Use their specially designed page templates to capture school activities along with favorite student, classroom and faculty pictures. Make it just the way you want with our All New Custom Path.

Shutterfly's award-winning photo books are printed in color and professionally bound. 
Your Yearbook is saved forever and you can re-order it at any time.

Plus look at the gorgeous color pictures. 

I am a huge fan of Shutterfly Photo books so these new Photo Yearbooks are just awesome.

You can check out Shutterfly on Pinterest, or Facebook. Just Click.

So Check them out!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Scars Say it All.

I recently found these images on Pinterest and from the moment I saw them they spoke to me. 

For me the images are a mixture of beauty, pain, guts, and beautifully striking femininity.

Self possession, love and hope in the face of disease. 

After a little research I discovered these images are part of a campaign called 
The Scar Project started as a series of large scale portraits on display touring the country this summer. And also published into a beautiful book, and a documentary.

I love their tag line "Breast Cancer is Not A Pink Ribbon." 

The Scar Project hopes to raise consciousness about the more than 10,000 women diagnosed every year with early onset breast cancer. 

These women survivors are absolutely inspiring, and fearless.
They have reclaimed their bodies from death and stand bold and strong in life. 
My grandmother was a breast cancer survivor. 
I don't remember a lot about her except that she was a very bold and powerful woman. 
She cared little about what people thought, she spoke her mind, and lived her passions.
I hope I'm a little like her. She would have really loved these pictures I think. 
She might have even posed in one of them. 

These photographs show me that women every where can beat breast cancer if it's detected early. 
And a mastectomy or a lumpectomy are not the end of femininity, 
but rather beautiful transformations into women warriors.
They say what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
I admire their strength.

I'd also like to encourage everyone to do self breast exams (click the link to learn how), 
as well as see your doctor for your yearly exam.
Detection is key!

Free breast screening is also available at Planned Parenthood. 
Planned Parenthood is a great resource for low cost or if needed free health screenings.
So don't let "them" take that away from us!

Be bold, be brave, be yourself, own your body!
Women are Warriors.

Thank you to those who come before me.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Stories and Voices of Women from The Field

The wonderful writer Amy Tan has posted this statement. I think it's a great way to start the conversation about Women awakening to the WAR happening right now. 
The WAR I'm talking about is being waged over our bodies and our rights to control them. 
Many politicians and business leaders have decided to  a woman's right to choose, whatever she may choose.
So I've decided  to set up base here and send out lots of eye opening information. 
We need to keep informed and speak up for our selves. 
So many women have fought tirelessly for the freedoms that we already take for granted.

So here are the 
Stories and Voices of Women From The Field.

"To those who criticize my perversion of the GOP candidates' names,
please know that name-calling is not my usual standard of response.
Nor do I normally use expletives. But I make exceptions. Never in my
lifetime have I seen such a line-up of candidates who want to pervert
the lives of women, who want to f**k them over every which way they
can think of. These perverts are men, and variously they are telling
us that single women should not have sex, should not use
contraceptives, should consider a baby conceived from a rape to be a
blessing, and to leave all matters concerning their uterus to them.
They say that contraceptives for women make it too easy for them to
"do things." They do not offer the same opinions on men and their
tendencies to "do things." Their rhetoric makes it sound like women
are wanton spirits who must be controlled. I am a writer because I
have strong opinions. Those opinions on women's rights come from my
grandmother, who was raped, and my mother, who was raped at gunpoint
by her husband, and who was jailed when she ran away from him. My
mother told me as a child and a grownup, that no one should ever tell
me whether I should have a baby. How could I be any other kind of
writer, any other kind of person? How could I not protest the
perversion of women's rights espoused by these candidates? The twisted
names I give them may sound "hurtful" --as name-calling is. But the
hurt they would give us would not be temporary slights, but permanent
scars. This country is not divided because of Obama. It has been
divided for a long time by the Republican Right who vote down the line
on personal moral beliefs. They are out of touch with the the actual
governance of this country and its relation to the larger world.
*Would these candidates cut off relations with China until China
abolishes the one-child policy? I was born the daughter of a Baptist
minister. I know how intractable religious beliefs are supposed to be,
how by faith, you must carry those beliefs into the world, into all
walks of life, without compromise, without listening to any other
opinions. By that faith, you save who you can and smite who you can't.
To these GOP candidates who want to rule government by the divine
guidance of their cocks, study the pages of history on the Inquisition
and the Holocaust, and keep your hands off me, my nieces, my sisters,
my women friends, their daughters and their daughters to come." 
Amy Tan is an American writer who has written such well know works as the Joy Luck Club, and The Kitchen God's Wife, as well as many others.

Use your Voice Call The Government and tell them "keep your hands off me, my nieces, my sisters,
my women friends, their daughters and their daughters to come." 

Friday, March 2, 2012

I've Been Busy, and Grateful.

For the last few months I've been focused on sharing the
  7 Intentions.

I find them in everything I do, and I've been putting a lot of my time and energy into finding creative ways to share them with you.

But that's not the only thing I've been up to. 

Crazy Right!

I have been plugging away at my cupcake business. 

I had a business partner, but she quit, so now I'm doing it alone. Again.


Letting go of one thing makes room for lots of other things.

 Here are a few of the flavors I've made.

Peanut Butter Cookie has peanut butter cookie inside a chocolate cake and a crunchy peanut butter cookie on top with peanut butter, butter cream.

The Funny Bone Cupcake has peanut butter, butter cream inside chocolate cake with chocolate ganache on top and peanut butter, butter cream to garnish.

This was my adventure in piping land for a local children boutique's Milk and Honey Kids Communion event. 

The challenge was to decorate 100 Vanilla cupcakes in as many different ways as possible. 


When I'm not blogging or making cupcakes; I'm cleaning, making meals and clinging to my sanity.

The little people at my house are extremely talented and creative.

They make beautiful messes!

When I finish cleaning up my "3 Children Zone," and get dinner in the crock pot, lunch on the table and the baby down for a nap, I'm right back at it. 

Messy hair, bath robe and all!

I'll admit, it's not all child's play, hard work and slaving in front of  a hot oven or a glaring computer screen

I have managed to pull myself together and hit the town with some of my other hot mama friends!
More than once.
Creative Energy

Then one day, the girls and I were talking and they asked if they could have their own blog.

Well why not! 
So I set them up and we have had loads of fun blogging together. 

They pick their topics and I assist.

I can't think of a more creative and fun thing we've done together. 
They are learning so much and feeling so confident with the computer.
It's so refreshing to spend time with them in "my world" but from their perspective. 
They're such an inspiration.

Which brings me to my next thought.

After a lot of thinking I decide to begin writing a business plan for the business of my dreams.

A Cupcake Cafe Play Space and Kitchen Incubator.

I've been doing a lot of number crunching which isn't all that much fun. 
So to break up the monotony I've also made a Restaurant Space Pinterest board for visual inspiration.


 I love this floor plan for seating, tables and couches.

 The look of this counter for food.

 This counter for the cupcakes, and I love the floors.

This roadway and turf for the play space. 
Can you see the little picnic tables on the right side? 
Love it!.
I hope I can pull a business proposal together that I like within the next few months.
I have 3 proposals done so far and I'm not sure about any of them.

There is so much to be grateful for!


Wish me the clarity to see through all of this.


So that's what I've been up to.
How about you?

Admiration, Praise, and Thank You

When musicians finish an album they often write a long Thank you note. 
When I used to buy CDs I would always read these Thank you notes. 
Hearing other people's gratitude was and still is contagious for me.
 I loved the idea of imagining all the people that made this one person who they are.

I know other real life celebrities.
They're impressive, they have spunk, they have encouraged me, and empowered me.
I love to tell them how they have changed my life and helped me grow.
Were all looking for this moment of real life, validation. 
That moment when someone says, 
I see YOU. 
You Matter.

I believe
 You Get what You Give.
So I say Thank You 
BUT! Why are Praise, Admiration, and Thank You often withheld. 
I see it all the time. 
It's very common to not give compliments or not say what your thinking. 
 "I really admire what you do, who you are, how you carry yourself. I wanna be more like you." 
I think it's because it makes us vulnerable.
When you show admiration your saying "I want more of what you have," "I'm missing something."
I understand how that may feel but, when someone inspires you, they make you stronger. 
You see something within them that's of use in your own life.
Don't be a secret admirer.
Take a moment to sincerely give someone thanks, share your admiration, 
or praise them. 
Look at the expression on their face.
Look what they are giving you, their attention.
Isn't their attention of value?

Here is a video talking more about 
the value of Thanks.

If you value someone tell them why! 
Be genuine, specific, and fearless,
and be more.


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