So. It's happening.
Two months away from 35 and the gray hairs are coming in fast and furious.
I don't mind them at all. In fact I think they're kinda awesome.
They make me look wise and knowledgeable, experienced.
Two of my favorite women and life long mentors have the most gorgeous silver hair.
So I'm almost honored, gray hair means you kick ass.
You don't just turn gray you earn it.
At least that's how I feel.
Only, I'd like to know what everyone else thinks about it.
Am I supposed to have this many ( I them on both sides of my head)?
Am I graying early?
What do other 30 somethings do when they start to gray?
Do you dye them and hide them?
Do you pull them out
I'm not one of those people who's going to start dying my hair to hide grays. No way.
In fact I thought about dying even more gray so I could have a streak of gray like Rogue the superhero, or that chic from "What Not to Wear" on TLC.
I'm going to embrace my grays.
The symbolize a long life.
That's something to be grateful for.
What do you think about it?