Friday, January 30, 2015

Grateful for Groceries

I'm so Grateful  , aren't you?

Take a look at other families around the world. Check out what they buy in a week. Notice what they are able to buy with their money. 
It's so interesting, and humbling. 
The conveniences we have. 
Our variety of choices. 
I'm very humbled. 
A lot of families in the pictures seem very fortunate, but what about Ecuador or Chad?
Kuwait has subsidized groceries, and who knew they ate fries, and cornflakes.
It's fascinating. What about all the soda everyone seems to drink, wow!
We rarely drink soda at my house, I had no idea it was a world wide indulgence.
I also realize it's a luxury that my family can change our diet for a week and just "go vegan," and for the fun of it, at that. 

Enjoy your simple blessings.

"Hungry World," A book of photographs by Peter Menzel. Ten Speed Press, published in 2005)

Sicily. Weekly expenditure is 214.36 Euros or $260.11.  
United States: North Carolina one week $341.98 

Germany- one week: 375.39 Euros or $500.07. 

Mexico: one week: 1,862.78 Mexican Pesos or $189.09.
Ecuador: one week: $31.55 

Chad: one week: 685 CFA Francs or $1.23.

Kuwait: one week: 63.63 dinar or $221.45.
 Most foodstuffs in this State is subsidized.
China: one week: 1,233.76 Yuan or $175 
Japan: one week: 37,699 Yen or $317.25 I love that she's hugging her snack!


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