I'm hungry! Not really but emotionally! I'm realizing I must be addicted to cheese, because I'm starting to feel withdrawal! Cheese is my comfort food of choice. It makes me feel happy, and in my happiness I feel "full" emotionally. I know it sounds complicated but cheese any kin dof cheese does it for me, and right now I'm depriving myself of happiness. Apparently I'm the only one starting to question this little vegan adventure. The hubby came home almost skipping. He LOVED his lunch! Ate it all and said he felt good inside knowing he was eating really healthy "good for you" food! Good for him! Yes, I'm almost rolling my eyes. Why am I not equally happy? This was all my idea! I guess I better suck it up and get focused. I'm no quitter!
So for Breakfast:
The girls and I had more Fruit Salad, Blueberry Muffins and Blueberry Soy Yogurt. Hubby had more Oatmeal and sliced bananas.
After yesterdays fiasco which I amazingly forgot to share?! I decided to cut us all a break and fall back on an old faithful.
PB & J on Whole Grain Bread with Almond Milk and Fruit Salad.
So let me tell you about yesterday's lunch. What started out as a great idea ended badly!
I decide the girls would like making their own pizzas. I made them on these
Flat Out Wraps which don't say they're vegan but have no animal products in them other than honey which I know some vegans don't approve of. Okay so we know I'm not a real vegan and as much as I consider myself a purist I still bought these wraps , and I'm calling them vegan, sue me. The tomato sauce and Daiya mozzarella cheese are vegan.
Everything was going great, and the girls enjoyed spreading the sauce out and sprinkling the cheese.
Then we toasted the pizzas in the toaster oven to melt the cheese and warm the wrap.
Looks great doesn't it? Well it would have been, the Flat Out Wraps are really tasty! The problem was the Daiya veggie cheese. I'm not going to be prejudice against all veggie cheese but this brand was terrible. Here I go, ready? The texture was nice until you chew a little, then it feels like your mouth is stuck together. Maybe it was just too much "cheese" but that's just me being nice. It was a really weird feeling in your mouth! Even the girls decided after a few Needless to say I had to make something different for lunch. Which took up more time, that I don't have.
So dinner has to be a HIT!
Gardein Enchiladas Suiza garnished with Toffutti Sour Cream. On the Side Stewed Garbanzo Beans, Yellow Rice, and Steamed Broccoli.
First I pulled out a Secret Weapon (not secret anymore)!!!!
I keep it in my freezer, it freezes beautifully! I make it in a big batch and use it as I need it. It's made of fresh cilantro, garlic, green peppers and onion. Some people add tomato but I do not.You can add it to just about anything, it gives this really authentic Spanish flavor to everything. Eggs, Soups, Stews, Roasts, Tacos, Rice and in this case Enchiladas.
So to make the Suizas part you half, season and roast Tomatillos along with garlic and onion.
When they are soft you blend them in a food processor along with some cilantro, and blend until smooth. While the tomatillos roast I cooked the garbanzo beans with Red Onion, Sofrito, a little cumin, and Sazon. Sazon has Mexican saffron in it and that's what gives rice and beans their lovely yellow color.
I like to cook the beans on low until they are tender and falling apart.
Then I sliced and sauteed the Gardein Chicken Scallopini with more of the Sofrito and a few spoonfuls of Suizas sauce.
Doesn't it look like real chicken!!! Then I assembled the Enchiladas.
You just make a little burrito with the "chicken" and I sprinkled a little Daiya cheddar veggie cheese, and poured some sauce on top.
Dinner is served!
And everyone loved it!
Except me :(
Again wit' tha cheese! The shredded "cheddar cheese" just turned me off. The label reads "vegan flavoring" but my buddy Jen the "food scientist" tells me the chemical name ins Diacetyl, thus the name Daiya Cheese. Well it smells almost like real cheese and the taste is a buttery cheesy taste. It's not a bad taste, but when you heat the cheese up it smelled just like vomit. The smell burned my nose it was so bad. So if you make this DON'T use Daiya cheese!
Other than that dinner was great and I especially LOVED the
Tofutti non-dairy sour cream! It tastes better than sour cream, creamy, no after taste and lots of flavor.
For dessert:
I made some labor intense vegan cut-out sugar cookies.
Lemon Sugar Cookies which I put a drop of pink food coloring into for Valentines day. Instead of butter I used Earth Balance and instead of eggs I used apple sauce. I did have to add an extra 1/2 cup of flour and freeze the dough instead of just refrigerate it.
This vegan thing sure does require a lot of time and attention! It makes sense that it would be better for you!
Final Thoughts:
Everyone especially the hubby is loving the vegan thing. That is everyone but me, I'm already counting the days. I don't want any meat but some real cheese would sure be nice. Plus I'm literally spending the entire day cooking and preparing. Well that's an exaggerations, because I am baking and doing a lot of extra things most people wouldn't do. I'm Not complaining, because I'm not starving and I am having fun playing with food.
I know I'm behind on my posting but I'll catch up, and if you haven't noticed all of my pictures were taken with my IPhone (I can't find my camera).
Day 3 coming soon!